Evaluation of physical hardening of bituminous binders by testing on bending beam rheometer
PROCEEDINGS of the 4th International Conference on Chemical Technology, Czech Society of Industrial Chemistry, Mikulov, Pages 20 - 24
- Category: Článek ve sborníku (Article in the proceedings)
- Author: Černý Radek, Jíša Petr, Matoušek Luboš
- ISSN: 2336-811-X
- ISBN: 978-80-86238-94-4
- Year: 2016
Physical hardening of bituminous binders is a reversible time-dependent process which occurs when the binder is exposed to low temperatures. This process leads to increase of the binder stiffness and the decrease of its stress relaxation ability. These changes may cause the cracking of asphalt pavement. The goal of our experimental work was the simulation of physical hardening for different types of bituminous binders. The binders were conditioned at different cold temperatures for 1, 24 and 72 hours. After these time periods the changes of low-temperature performance were evaluated by the bending beam rheometer. The influence of temperature and condition period on the bitumen low-temperature properties was evaluated giving information about physical hardening of the binders.