Hledat publikace
Recent Advances in Reactions of Alkylbenzenes Over Novel Zeolites: The Effects of Zeolite Structure and Morphology
Catalysis Reviews: Science and Engineering; Vol 56; Issue 4; 2014; Pages 333-402
- Druh výsledku: Článek v odborném periodiku (Article in a professional journal)
- Autor: Aitani Abdullah M., Al-Khattaf Sulaiman S., Ali Syed A., Čejka Jiří, Kubička David, Žilková Naděžda
- ISSN: 0161-4940
- Vydáno/uděleno: 2014
- Link: URL
- DOI: 10.1080/01614940.2014.946846
Alkylbenzenes form an important segment of petrochemical industry for the manufacture of widely used commodities and specialty products. Since the last review on this topic (8), numerous new zeolite-based catalysts have been synthesized, characterized and evaluated in various transformations of aromatic hydrocarbons. This comprehensive review covers major reactions of mono-, di-, and tri-alkylbenzenes such as disproportionation, alkylation, transalkylation, isomerization, etc., over different zeolite-based acid catalysts. During the last decade, significant progress was made in the synthesis and structure determination of novel zeolites, mesoporous single crystals, hierarchic zeolites and two-dimensional zeolites. These developments have enhanced the understanding of the role of zeolites (effects of structural type, morphology, acid sites, accessibility of acid sites, shape selectivity factors) in transformations of aromatics. In this review, the emphasis is on the influence of the type of acid sites, zeolite topology, and reaction conditions on the activity, selectivity and pathways of these reactions. Thermodynamics and reaction kinetics of transformations of aromatic hydrocarbons are also discussed. This article covers mostly literature published during the period of 2002–2013.