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The EFCATS young generation catalysis challenge
Shlédnutí : 5952
Datum:   pondělí, 09 červenec 2018 08:00 - středa, 11 červenec 2018 17:00
Místo:   Wageningen University and Research (WUR), The Netherlands
Kontakt: http://efcats.org/Call+for+nominations+++%E2%80%98The+EFCATS+young+generation+catalysis+challenge%E2%80%99+++.html


To strengthen the interactions and meet new people within the European catalysis community EFCATS organizes a catalysis contest for young researchers from all EFCATS member countries. The contest will be held in Wageningen University and Research (WUR), The Netherlands from 9-11 July 2018 with two young researchers (young = PhD students and postdocs/researchers who obtained their PhD after 1 July 2016) from each EFCATS country being involved.