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LABVOLUTION with Life Sciences Event BIOTECHNICA 2017
Shlédnutí : 4553
Datum:   úterý, 16 květen 2017  - čtvrtek, 18 květen 2017
Místo:   Hannover, Germany
Kontakt: www.labvolution.de

LABVOLUTION is a leading international trade show for laboratory technology and equipment in all its many shapes and forms, focusing on innovative products and services, "Laboratory 4.0" and digitalization. Its exhibition section encompasses technology, equipment and infrastructure for all types of laboratories - research, analysis, production and teaching. Companies from all around the world go to LABVOLUTION to do business with lab tech customers from Northern Europe.

Although still a relatively young show - 2017 will be only its second season – LABVOLUTION provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of laboratory technology and targets users from a wide range of backgrounds, including the chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology/life sciences, environmental protection and food sectors.

Exhibition program:

  • Laboratory technology and infrastructure (incl. lab automation, robotics, digitalization/big data, biolab technology, biotechnology)
  • Instrumental analytical chemistry (incl. bioanalytical chemistry)
  • Reagents, chemicals and consumables
  • Measurement and control systems
  • Quality control
  • Applications and processes
  • Specialist services