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III Russian Congress on Catalysis RUSCATALYSIS-2017
Shlédnutí : 5947
Datum:   pondělí, 22 květen 2017 08:00 - pátek, 26 květen 2017 17:00
Místo:    Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

The III Russian Congress on Catalysis “RUSCATALYSIS” aims to address the state of the art and challenges in all fields of catalysis, to determine the priority tasks for fundamental and applied research, and to discuss the subsequent industrial implementation of the latest developments. It also focuses on the problems of specialists training in the field of catalysts and catalytic technologies.

Main Topics:

Section 1

  • Physicochemical fundamentals of catalytic processes
  • Theoretical and experimental investigation of processes on the catalyst surface, including in situ studies
  • Mechanisms of catalytic reactions
  • Kinetics of catalytic processes

Section 2

  • Scientific basis of catalyst production
  • Physicochemical basis of catalyst synthesis
  • Scientific basis of technologies and equipment for the production of catalysts and supports
  • Methods and equipment for catalyst testing

Section 3

  • Advanced catalytic processes
  • Oil refining
  • Chemistry and petrochemistry
  • Environmental protection
  • Energy saving and processing of renewable feedstocks

Section 4

  • Industrial catalysts and catalytic processes
  • Catalyst operation under industrial conditions
  • Catalytic reactors: design and application
  • Deactivation and regeneration of industrial catalysts
  • Catalytic process engineering including software