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Search Matters 2017
Shlédnutí : 5785
Datum:   středa, 29 březen 2017 08:00 - pátek, 31 březen 2017 17:00
Místo:   European Patent Office, Munich, Germany

Event for patent search professionals

Search Matters is an annual event that not only showcases the EPO's patent search strategies and techniques, but also offers an unrivalled look behind the scenes at the Office. According to participants - many of whom are repeat attendees - it is more a "must-have" than a "nice-to-have".

In 2017, Search Matters will be held in Munich. In a series of workshops, EPO examiners will show, for example, how they

  • go about their searches (e.g. on functional features)
  • handle Asian patent documents
  • use internet sources
  • decide when to stop searching.

One of the highlights of the programme, which covers a wide range of technical fields, is the chance for participants to talk to individual examiners "at-the-desk" and question them about how they search in specific technical areas.

The programme is rounded off by plenary lectures on searching, classification and notorious knowledge.

Who should attend: Patent search professionals from business, academia and IP firms.