• Uncategorised (7)
  • Main Content (7)
    • About Us (8)
    • Research (9)
      • Research Department (0)
      • Technical Department (1)
      • CATPRO (6)
      • Research Projects (0)
      • Our Foreign Colleagues (6)

        We contact our foreign colleagues to write us their brief profile in the following structure:

        • Identification of employee (name, surname, photo).
        • Summary institutes/universities attend and attending.
        • Your current job/employment/research.
        • Research carried out at UniCRE.
        • Valuable skills and experience gained from working with UniCRE.

        You can now look at the opinions of those who have filled out our questionnaire.

    • Education (5)
      • Students and Trainees at UniCRE (5)

        We ask our students and trainees to write us their brief profile in the following structure:

        • Identification of the student (name and surname, eventually photo).
        • Overview of education, including the current one.
        • Current work, employment and research topic.
        • Research topic during work at ORLEN UniCRE a.s..
        • Valuable experience and skills acquired during the work in ORLEN UniCRE a.s.

        Now you can see the opinion of those, who have completed the questionnaire.

      • Graduates in UniCRE (6)

        Every graduate in ORLEN UniCRE a.s. who agreed with the publication of his opinion, was asked following three questions:

        • Why did you choose to study chemistry and which school was it?
        • What led you to ORLEN UniCRE a.s.?
        • What is the scope of your work here?

        You can see the answers of the questioned graduates.

      • Research Assistants (5)

        We asked our research assistants who perform auxiliary scientific activities in ORLEN UniCRE a.s. three simple questions:

        • Why did you choose to study chemistry?
        • What made you to get involved in research assistance in ORLEN UniCRE a.s.?
        • What do you do in ORLEN UniCRE a.s. as the research assistant concretely?

        You can see the answers of the questioned research assistants.

    • Media (1)
    • References (3)