Publication date: 9.2. 2018

Unipetrol výzkumně vzdělávací centrum, a.s., the hosting institution of the CATPRO research infrastructure, is launching a call for submitting proposals with a view of awarding an open access to the CATPRO for the research teams and scientists that is enabled by the targeted support for financing of large infrastructures by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic in the frame of the project.

1. Available infrastructure

The call 2020 is opened for utilization of the CATPRO infrastructure that is divided according the related activities as follows:

  • Catalyst synthesis and preparation
  • Catalyst forming/shaping
  • Catalyst testing and process development
  • Detailed products identification

2. Eligible applicants

Eligible applicants for gaining an open access to the CATPRO infrastructure are individual scientists and researchers, including students (MSc and PhD), and research teams of either academic or commercial sector that will provide a project proposal for utilization of CATPRO research infrastructure for the purpose of performing independent research. Eligible applicants will in accordance with the Framework for State aid for research, development and innovation (2014/C 198/01) enable open access to data acquired through CATPRO research infrastructure CATPRO and thus achieving the main goal of CATPRO.

3. Application procedure

Any applicant for the open access to the CATPRO research infrastructure is asked to fill in the application form to provide information about and motivation to the expected use of the RI. In addition to the application form, the hosting institution requires CV of the main applicant and a recommendation letter by the supervisor, in the case the applicant is a student. The completed application form and all accompanying documentation shall be sent electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further evaluation. Please state CATPRO-OPEN ACCESS application in a subject line.

4. Timeframe of the call

The call is opened for utilization of CATPRO within the OPEN ACCESS in 2020; any activities within the open access mode should be completed before 31st  December 2020. The call is opened until 30th October 2020, or as long as the free capacity for the OPEN ACCESS of RI is available. This is a rolling call; all applications will be evaluated immediately upon their submission.

5. Evaluation of the proposals

Project proposals shall be evaluated by the independent evaluation commission set up by the hosting institution. All proposals will be evaluated with respect to the technical feasibility and scientific and technological quality. Decision of the evaluation commission will be announced in six weeks after the submission of the proposal at latest.

6. Funding

OPEN ACCESS to CATPRO covers all expenses connected to the standard operation of equipment and experimental units (including personal expenses for operators in 24/7 regime, commodities and defined consumables). However, the users of CATPRO within OPEN ACCESS are obliged to cover all their travel costs and subsistence costs, as well as the costs of the non-defined consumables (e.g. feedstock or precursors in case they are not provided by the users themselves). Any additional costs will be clarified before the conclusion of a cooperation agreement on use of CATPRO in OPEN ACCESS mode between the hosting institution and the user basically upon the information provided in the application form.

7. Use of RI

General conditions of use of CATPRO as well as final budget and time allocation will be attached to the cooperation agreement between both parties, i.e. the home organization of the applicant and the hosting institution, after the application would be evaluated for awarding the open access.

8. Contacts

For further information about the call please contact us through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .For technical details regarding the use of particular infrastructure please contact the following responsible persons:

Kristýna Benešová
Project Management Manager

linkedin For a discussion of administrative and technical issues concerning the project CATPRO, you can also use the discussion group on LinkedIn.

9. Documents

icon-document32 CATPRO Application Form

GC/MS-IT (ion trap) system (Trace ITQ 1100, Thermo Scientific)

This system is suited mainly for the identification of unknown components in less complex samples or for monitoring of target compounds in impure matrices. Its MSn technique allows to routinely test for compounds that cannot typically be detected with other GC/MS techniques. MSn provides the ultimate in selectivity for target analytes, eliminating false positives and false negatives.

Comprehensive GCxGC/MS-TOF (time of flight) system

The system (Pegasus 4D, Leco) with a cryogenic jet modulator, which is suited for a variety of applications, including the analysis of complex matrices such as petroleum fractions or various natural products that are difficult to analyze by conventional one-dimensional GC or GC/MS techniques. The efficient separation system enables to separate the components of the sample both on the basis of their boiling point and their polarity. Supported by the highperformance software, it for exmple does the group-type analyses of petroleum products based on the number of benzene rings or the number of carbon atoms in the side alkyl chains of aromatics. The separated groups may also be quantified and visualized in the 2D or 3D format.

Bench-top HPLC/MS system

The combination of ultra high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC, Dionex + Orbitrap Exactive Plus, Thermo Scientific) on the normal and reversephase columns with high resolution mass spectrometry will be the powerful tool for separation, identification and quantification of components and their groups in the most complex samples, mainly from the biomass processing. Thanks to its Orbitrap mass analyzer, the Exactive Plus system delivers highresolution, accurate-mass full-scan MS for fast, precise and reproducible results and tremendous analytical confidence. System will be equipped by various ionization techniques for different types of organic compounds. The extremely high resolution of the MS detector will also enable the user to analyze samples by direct injection without LC separation.Moreover, all hyphenated techniques (GC,LC/MS) can find their application also in other fields, such as water and waste analysis, environmental protection, food safety, pharmacy, biochemistry etc.

Photogallery of CATPRO Infrastructure (4)

Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer LECO Pegasus 4D GCxGC-TOFMS
Thermo Scientific™ ITQ™ Series GC-Ion Trap MS System

Experimental units for evaluation of catalytic activity

At the heart of the infrastructure is a set of various-size dedicated bench-scale flow units allowing investigation of heterogeneous catalysts and catalytic processes in the fixed-bed mode. They can be operated in a wide range of reaction conditions - temperature up to 600 °C, pressure up to 20 MPa and utility gases H2, H2/H2S, N2, air and ethylene from gas pipeline and any other from gas cylinders. The units can be divided into two basic groups - units using sulphur-containing feedstocks (i.e. for hydrotreating and hydrocracking processes and catalysts testing) and units using only sulphur-free feedstocks (i.e. hydrogenation and isomerization processes using typically noble metal catalysts as well as other reactions e.g. condensation reactions, CO conversion reactions, partial oxidation, etc.). The flow units are fully automated and operated by experienced staff 24/7. They can be divided also based on the amount of catalyst they use into small units (5 to 20 g catalyst) and large units (100 to 200 g catalyst). The reactors are built by the company Parr.

In addition, the infrastructure includes also an adsorption unit, a distillation and microreactor unit.

Microreactor unit consists from six independent reactors. Construction material is SS316. The volume of catalyst can be from 1 ml to 10 ml. Operating pressure is in the range 10 to 195 bar, operating temperature is up to 500 °C in down-flow and isothermal mode. Each reactor has own preheater, maximum operating temperature is 350 °C. Each microreactor houses three gas lines: high flow Hydrogen and Nitrogen (max. 100 Nl/h), low flow hydrogen (max. 2 Nl/h) and hydrocarbon (max. 50 Nl/h). The liquid feed section is designed to handle feedstock showing viscosity higher than 100mPas. Flow rate of feed can be from 3 to 150 ml/h. Liquid feed line is designed to handle temperature from 0 to 100 °C. The outlet effluent from the microreactor is routed to the high pressure separator for gas/liquid separation. Separation temperature is regulated from 0 to 100 °C.

Chromatographs (GCs) for analyses of gases and liquids

The infrastructure is equipped also with gas chromatographs ensuring immediate analysis of the products and a feedback for the operation of the experimental units. The chromatographs consist of seven single or dual channel GCs (Agilent) equipped both by packed and capillary columns that can be connected to the experimental units to provide on-line analysis of gaseous effluents from various chemical processes – hydrogenation, hydrodesulphurization, cracking processes, hydrocracking, isomerization, deoxygenation, Fischer-Tropsch process etc. Furthermore, there are six dual channel GCs (Agilent 7890) equipped by capillary columns and various injection modes (split/splitless/on-column) that provide operational at line analysis of a wide range of liquid products. The set of GC instruments is completed by two dedicated GCs for the simulated distillation (SIMDIS) method useful when analysis complex products, e.g. from hydrocracking. Moreover, the infrastructure for detailed product identification is described below.

Photogallery of CATPRO Infrastructure (3)

Batch Stirred-tank Reactor Parr HP/HT 4570
Continuous Stirred-tank Reactor (CSTR) Parr 4547A
Experimental Units
GC System Agilent 7890A
Infinity Quaternary LC System Agilent 1260
VINCI microreactors

Mission and Goals

Unipetrol Centre for Research and Education, a.s. is an independent legal entity whose primary mission is to research activities and provide support to the chemical industry in areas which are defined in our research program.

The main goals of UniCRE include:

  • Obtaining grants at the national level for the individual research programs in the priority areas of research UniCRE.
  • Integration into European structures, promotion of science, research and development and win support for priority projects of individual research areas UniCRE.
  • Deepening cooperation with academic institutions such as The University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem, Pardubice University or The Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the Czech Academy of Science, v.v..
  • Active involvement in organizations supporting applied research and collaboration with industry, both within the region and at the national and European level.

Offer of Collaboration with Industry

UniCRE company offers quality knowledge and instrumental platform for refinery-petrochemical industry, as well as for implementation of new technologies in area of renewable energy sources and environmental protection, including perfectly equipped experimental centre and highly qualified analytical hinterland.

Offer of Collaboration with Research Institutions

UniCRE centre collaborates and offers collaboration with other research institutes at handling of projects in the framework of national and international grants and contracts.



Offer of Collaboration with Students

UniCRE company offers bilaterally profitable collaboration with czech and foreign students of master and postgradual degree. Currently it collaborates with universities (for example Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague, University of Pardubice) and with prominent workplaces of Academy of Sciences in Czech Republic (UCHP, UFCH JH).

Offer of Renting Conference RoomsOffer of Renting Conference Rooms

UniCRE company offers to rent the conference rooms in Chempark Záluží and Ústí nad Labem locations. All rooms are equipped with the presentation equipment. Arrangement of tables and chairs in the individual rooms can be changed according to customer needs. We will arrange a flipchart or presenter on request.