History of refinery-petrochemical research in Chempark Záluží

The research in Litvínov was motivated by the post-war situation when it was necessary to produce fuels for Czechoslovakia without any other sources. The raw material was coal but soon it was necessary to switch to a binary raw material base, i.e. coal and oil. The factory was damaged, German experts were relegated. In the 1950s, an embargo was imposed on imports of Western catalysts and advanced technologies.

Luckily, a group of enthusiastic young engineers gathered here to take on the difficult task.

It was necessary to build both development and operational laboratories. In 1952, these were profiled by the Research Institute for Chemical Utilization of Coal (VÚCHVU), which had up to 300 employees at the time of its biggest boom. From 1962, it operated as the Research Institute for the Chemical Utilization of Hydrocarbons.

The profile of this institute mirrored the development of the factory, which until 1972 focused on the chemical co-processing of coal and oil. Since the 1970s the company developed significantly, which consisted in a capacity increase in production. It developed in terms of quantity (Druzhba pipeline) and qualitatively (deep oil processing, petrochemistry and polymer production). However, the research of polymer production was carried out by VÚMCH (Research Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, nowadays Polymer Institute Brno).

The research was motivated by the need for co-processing of both raw materials. Since 1972, when the chemical processing of coal was stopped, only oil processes have been developed. VÚCHVU continued to focus on its own heterogeneously catalyzed processes. Due the fact the company has its own research the production of motor fuels and polymers corresponded to the European level.

During the political changes in 1990s, which significantly affected the organization of the Czech chemical industry, VÚCHVU was renamed to the Research and Development Center (VVC). Research continued here according to the needs of the Chemopetrol company, especially in the field of catalytic processes. However, it competed with other research departments of the later owners of the refinery - Shell, Agip and Conoco. The fact that the research has survived this period proves its European level. During other organizational changes, the VVC section was connected with the independent joint stock company Institute of Inorganic Chemistry (VÚAnCh).


Zřizovací dopis VÚAnch

Establishment of the research institute

Research institute of Inorganic Chemistry (VÚAnCh) was founded as a research and development base of coordinated development of the Czechoslovak inorganic industry.

VÚAnCh achieved high importance in the area of:

  • crystallization,
  • analytical chemistry,
  • technology for production of fertilizers,
  • electrochemistry,
  • environmental protection.



The first transformation of VÚAnCh

VÚAnCh stopped being a budget organization. Up to 1969 VÚAnCh was a part of Slovchémia Bratislava trust.



VÚAnCh becomes part of the Chemopetrol Group

VÚAnCh became a purposeful concern organization of Chemopetrol Group.

In addition to its core research activities VÚAnCh dealt with the engineering problems of chemical processes in many industries, including metallurgy, engineering, food industry and agriculture.

VÚAnCh solved assigned problems in a complex manner, from production through use of products to use, or at least disposal of outcoming waste.

VÚAnCh and many of its workers had permission to train graduates to achieve scientific degrees.



VÚAnCh becomes state enterprise

Since 1st July 1989 VÚAnCh has worked as an independent state enterprise.



Transformation into a joint stock company

On 1st January 1995 joint-stock company Research Institute of Inorganic Chemistry was founded. The major shareholder was the state (FNM ČR), minor shareholders were the city Ústí nad Labem and Restitution fund.



Unipetrol becomes the VÚAnCh owner

In March 1997 UNIPETROL, a.s. became a major shareholder of the Research Institute and since 1998 UNIPETROL, a.s. has been a sole shareholder.



Production of liquid fertilizers

In the period 1999 - 2007, VÚAnCh produced liquid fertilizers and sold them into a wide sales network. Fertilizers were intended rather for the small consumers. Production was taken over by inherited, but also our own recipes. In 2007, it was left to Lovochemie.



Integration of research capacities

In the period 2000 - 2001, VÚAnCh took over research activities of companies Chemopetrol, Kaučuk and Lovochemie within the integration of Unipetrol group R&D. Then VÚAnCh concentrated its activities into two workplaces – Ústí nad Labem, where is the company’s seat, and Litvínov.



Principal research area

 After inclusion of the workplaces that have historically dealt with other fields of chemistry, VÚAnCh gradually changed its orientation into following areas:

  • an efficient and environmentally friendly production of motor fuels,
  • preparation of raw materials for production of polymers,
  • sustainable usage of renewable raw materials,
  • reducing emissions of harmful substances,
  • technologies for production and application of advanced materials.

Mission and Goals

Unipetrol Centre for Research and Education, a.s. is an independent legal entity whose primary mission is to research activities and provide support to the chemical industry in areas which are defined in our research program.

The main goals of UniCRE include:

  • Obtaining grants at the national level for the individual research programs in the priority areas of research UniCRE.
  • Integration into European structures, promotion of science, research and development and win support for priority projects of individual research areas UniCRE.
  • Deepening cooperation with academic institutions such as The University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem, Pardubice University or The Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the Czech Academy of Science, v.v..
  • Active involvement in organizations supporting applied research and collaboration with industry, both within the region and at the national and European level.

Offer of Collaboration with Industry

UniCRE company offers quality knowledge and instrumental platform for refinery-petrochemical industry, as well as for implementation of new technologies in area of renewable energy sources and environmental protection, including perfectly equipped experimental centre and highly qualified analytical hinterland.

Offer of Collaboration with Research Institutions

UniCRE centre collaborates and offers collaboration with other research institutes at handling of projects in the framework of national and international grants and contracts.



Offer of Collaboration with Students

UniCRE company offers bilaterally profitable collaboration with czech and foreign students of master and postgradual degree. Currently it collaborates with universities (for example Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague, University of Pardubice) and with prominent workplaces of Academy of Sciences in Czech Republic (UCHP, UFCH JH).

Offer of Renting Conference RoomsOffer of Renting Conference Rooms

UniCRE company offers to rent the conference rooms in Chempark Záluží and Ústí nad Labem locations. All rooms are equipped with the presentation equipment. Arrangement of tables and chairs in the individual rooms can be changed according to customer needs. We will arrange a flipchart or presenter on request.