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6th International Workshop on Layered Materials
Shlédnutí : 9728
Datum:   pondělí, 05 září 2016 08:00 - pátek, 09 září 2016 17:00
Místo:   GASK - the Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region, Jezuitská kolej, Barborská 24, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic


  • Gabriele Centi (University of Messina, Italy)
    Opportunities for catalysis by layered materials to address sustainability challenges  
  • Fabrice Leroux (UBP Clermont-Ferrand, France)
    LDH nanoplatelets in aqueous polymer colloids: topochemical transformation and functionalities
  • Russell Morris (University of St. Andrews, Scotland)
    Layered zeolites and a solution to the zeolite conundrum
  • Takayoshi Sasaki (NIMS Tsukuba, Japan)
    “Artificial layered systems” reconstructed with 2D nanosheets and function design
  • Piero Ugliengo (University of Torino, Italy)
    Understanding the features of layered materials by quantum mechanical simulations

Workshop is organized by Jiří Čejka
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