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Roční Měsíční Týdenní Dnes Vyhledat Přejít na měsíc
Shlédnutí : 4553
Datum:   neděle, 15 květen 2016 16:00 - čtvrtek, 19 květen 2016
Místo:   OREA Hotel Pyramida, Bělohorská 24, 169 01 Praha 6
Kontakt: AMCA, spol. s r.o. tel.: 221 979 351, 737 357 159, e-mail: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.

PERMEA 2016 - Membrane Science and Technology Conference of Visegrád Countries
MELPRO 2016 - Membrane and Electromembrane Processes

Membrane processes are included in many technological processes and manifested in everyday life.

The PERMEA international membrane meetings, resulted from the initiative of membranologists from the Visegrád countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) in 2003. It originally took place in these countries  originally every two years and now takes place in three-year intervals. PERMEA has gained an international reputation and has become one of creative conferences in the fields of preparation and production of membranes, assessment and utilization of their separation properties, and introduction of new technological procedures to protect the environment.

This meeting of experts from the areas of research and application at PERMEA 2016, linked with MELPRO focusing on electromembrane and integrated processes, brings many opportunities to exchange experience and create new ideas, mainly thanks to the presence of young colleagues and students.