Why did you choose the study of chemistry and which school did you study?
I chose the study of chemistry due to the growth of the demand for 'chemically' educated people. Young people do not want to study chemistry or they are afraid of it. Actually, technical studies do not attract young people too much, which is probably due to the difficulty of this kind of study. Young people simply choose a lower evil that they see in the study of economic and humanities. But already at the grammar school I was most interested in subjects of technical direction (physics, mathematics and chemistry). After completing grammar school, I knew I would study technical fields. I chose Czech Technical University and University of Chemistry and Technology. After a year, I discovered that the chemistry is closer to me and started the study at the University of Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology. Then I went on a master's degree at the Faculty of Environmental Technology, where I chose the specialization dealing with technology of fuels.
What made you work in UniCRE?
I think in the third year of studies at university, when I worked on a bachelor thesis, I realized I would like to work in research. Therefore UniCRE was a good choice, because it is a new and modern research facility that furthermore focuses on industrial production in Chempark. Moreover, during the master study, I had the opportunity to go through almost all laboratories of the centre and I was enabled to work on my diploma thesis in UniCRE.
What is the scope of your work here?
In UniCRE I work as a Junior Researcher in the Department of Industrial Chemistry. Specifically, I deal with the development of new bituminous binders and research of alternative raw materials for the production of bitumen. In the first step I study appropriate technical literature connected with the given topic. In the second step, we find out whether we have the technical possibilities to solve these problems. If yes, I propose the procedure for the problem solution together with my colleagues. In cooperation with laboratory technicians we devote the appropriate analyses. Finally, I evaluate the results of analyses and work out a report containing:
- Which topic was solved
- Why was the topic solved
- How was the topic solved
- Evaluation of results