4th Internationa Conference on Chemical Technology
Hits : 6500
Date: Monday, 25 April 2016 11:00 - Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Place: Hotel GALANT****, Mlýnská 2, 692 01 Mikulov, Czech Republic
Contact: AMCA, spol. s r.o. tel.: 221 979 351, 737 357 159, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Main Topics
- Energy Sources, Chemical Technologies and Materials
- Petrochemicals and Organic Technology
- Oil, Gas, Coal, Fuel, Biofuels
- Polymers, Composites
- Inorganic Technology
- Material Engineering
- Biotechnology and Biorefinary
- Pharmaceutical Technology
- Environmental Protection Technology
- CO2 Capture and Storage
- Waste Processing, Air and Water Protection, Technologies for the Decontamination of Soils
- Secure Management Processes, Accident Prevention, etc.