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Mission and Goals

Unipetrol Centre for Research and Education, a.s. is an independent legal entity whose primary mission is to research activities and provide support to the chemical industry in areas which are defined in our research program.

The main goals of UniCRE include:

  • Obtaining grants at the national level for the individual research programs in the priority areas of research UniCRE.
  • Integration into European structures, promotion of science, research and development and win support for priority projects of individual research areas UniCRE.
  • Deepening cooperation with academic institutions such as The University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem, Pardubice University or The Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the Czech Academy of Science, v.v..
  • Active involvement in organizations supporting applied research and collaboration with industry, both within the region and at the national and European level.

Offer of Collaboration with Industry

UniCRE company offers quality knowledge and instrumental platform for refinery-petrochemical industry, as well as for implementation of new technologies in area of renewable energy sources and environmental protection, including perfectly equipped experimental centre and highly qualified analytical hinterland.

Offer of Collaboration with Research Institutions

UniCRE centre collaborates and offers collaboration with other research institutes at handling of projects in the framework of national and international grants and contracts.



Offer of Collaboration with Students

UniCRE company offers bilaterally profitable collaboration with czech and foreign students of master and postgradual degree. Currently it collaborates with universities (for example Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague, University of Pardubice) and with prominent workplaces of Academy of Sciences in Czech Republic (UCHP, UFCH JH).

Offer of Renting Conference RoomsOffer of Renting Conference Rooms

UniCRE company offers to rent the conference rooms in Chempark Záluží and Ústí nad Labem locations. All rooms are equipped with the presentation equipment. Arrangement of tables and chairs in the individual rooms can be changed according to customer needs. We will arrange a flipchart or presenter on request.